Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross
第1留:イエス 死刑を宣告されたもう |
1st Station :Jesus is condemned to death |
全員:われら主を礼拝し、主を讃美し奉る。 人々は主を捕えてカイファのもとに引き行き、あざけり御顔につばきし、打ちたたき、次いでピラトの裁判にわたせり。ピラトは群衆の心を和らげんとて主を石の柱に縛りつけ、むち打ち、ゆいにいばらの冠を御頭に押しかぶせければ、傷つき血流れたり。 されど群衆は 少しもあわれと思わずして、なおも十字架に掛けよ、十字架に掛けよと大いに叫びたりしかば、ピラトもせん方なくて主に死罪をいいわたすにいたれり。 主イエス・キリスト、主を死刑に処せしは、ピラトとユデア人にあらず、ひっきょうこれわれらの罪の業なり。われら今罪を犯す毎に、主に大いなる苦痛を加え、不当の宣告を受けさせ奉るなり。 よりてわれらの罪の罰を赦し給わんことを。ひたすら願い奉る。アーメン。 天にまします.... めでたし.... 願わくは.... 主われらをあわれみ給え。われらをあわれみ給え。 願わくは死せる信者の霊魂、天主の御あわれみによりて安らかに憩わんことを。アーメン。 先唱:ああ、聖母よ、 全員:十字架にくぎ付けにせられ給える御子の傷を、われらの心に深く印し給え。 |
Leader: We adore Thee, O Christ, and bless Thee. All: Because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world. Jesus, you stand all alone before Pilate. Nobody speaks up for you. Nobody helps defend you. You devoted your entire life to helping others, listening to the smallest ones, caring for those who were ignored by others. They don't seem to remember that as they prepare to put you to death. As a child, sometimes I feel alone. Sometimes I feel that others don't stand up for me and defend me when I am afraid. Sometimes I don't feel like I am treated fairly, especially if I am scolded or corrected. As an adult, sometimes I feel abandoned and afraid as well. Sometimes I too, feel like I am treated unfairly or blamed for things unfairly. I have a hard time when people criticize me at home or at work. Help me be grateful for what you did for me. Help me to accept criticism and unfairness as you did, and not complain. Help me pray for those who have hurt me. My Jesus, often have I signed the death warrant by my sins; save me by Thy death from that eternal death which I have so often deserved. Our Father.... Hail Mary.... Glory Be to the Father.... Leader: Jesus Christ Crucified. All: Have mercy on Us. Leader: May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, Rest in peace. All: Amen. |
2nd Station :Jesus carries His cross |
先唱:ああキリストよ、主は尊き十字架をもって世をあがない給いしにより、 全員:われら主を礼拝し、主を讃美し奉る。 ああキリストよ、主は尊き十字架をもって世をあがない給いしにより、われら主を礼拝し、主を讃美し奉る。 人々は主を外に引き出し、荒木もて作れる十字架をかしこくも主の肩に打ち掛くるや、主は御身の傷をもいとい給わず、すこしも拒み給う御気色なく、引き寄せてこれを担い、柔和にして、堪忍深き御姿にてかれらの後より歩ませ給う。 主イエスは十字架を担い給うべきにあらず。罪人なるわれらこそ、十字架を担うべき者にはあるなれ。さればわれらは主の御旨によりて、罪を償うがために、この世の苦難を受くべき者なれば、主を鑑として、柔和堪忍をもってこれに耐えしめ給わんことを、ひたすら願い奉る。アーメン。 天にまします.... めでたし.... 願わくは.... 主われらをあわれみ給え。われらをあわれみ給え。 願わくは死せる信者の霊魂、天主の御あわれみによりて安らかに憩わんことを。アーメン。 先唱:ああ、聖母よ、 全員:十字架にくぎ付けにせられ給える御子の傷を、われらの心に深く印し給え。 |
Leader: We adore Thee, O Christ, and bless Thee. All: Because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world. Jesus, as you accepted your cross, you knew you would carry it to your death on Calvary. You knew it wouldn't be easy, but you accepted it and carried it just the same. As a child, sometimes I don't like the problems that come my way. Sometimes I try to get others to take care of them or solve them for me. Sometimes I become upset and crabby when I'm asked to do even the smallest thing to help others. As an adult I sometimes feel like I'm not appreciated. Sometimes I feel as if I accept more responsibility that I need to. I can feel sorry for myself, even though the crosses others carry are much larger than my own. In my self-pity, I don't reach out to help. My Jesus, Who by Thine own will didst take on Thee the most heavy cross I made for Thee by my sins, oh, make me feel their heavy weight, and weep for them ever while I live. Our Father.... Hail Mary.... Glory Be to the Father.... Leader: Jesus Christ Crucified. All: Have mercy on Us. Leader: May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, Rest in peace. All: Amen. |
第3留:イエス 初めて倒れ給う |
3rd Station :Jesus falls the first time |
先唱:ああキリストよ、主は尊き十字架をもって世をあがない給いしにより、 全員:われら主を礼拝し、主を讃美し奉る。 ああキリストよ、主は尊き十字架をもって世をあがない給いしにより、われら主を礼拝し、主を讃美し奉る。 主はすでにむち打たれ、いばらの冠りに刺し貫かれ給えるほどに、傷あとただれ破れ、あけの血に染みて歩み給いければ、衰弱のあまり足下よろめき、ついに十字架の重きに堪えずして、傾きかがみ、やがて大地に倒れ給う。 主イエス・キリスト、主を倒しまいらせしは一にわれらなり。われら罪に陥りたるによりて、主はかかる苦難を受け給うなれば、われら深くこれを悲しみ奉る。この御苦難の功力によりて、 われらを罪より救い給わんことを、ひたすら願い奉る。 天にまします.... めでたし.... 願わくは.... 主われらをあわれみ給え。われらをあわれみ給え。 願わくは死せる信者の霊魂、天主の御あわれみによりて安らかに憩わんことを。アーメン。 先唱:ああ、聖母よ、 全員:十字架にくぎ付けにせられ給える御子の傷を、われらの心に深く印し給え。 |
Leader: We adore Thee, O Christ, and bless Thee. All: Because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world. Jesus, the cross you have been carrying is very heavy. You are becoming weak and almost ready to faint, and you fall down. Nobody seems to want to help you. The soldiers are interested in getting home, so they yell at you and try to get you up and moving again. As a child, sometimes I start to do something, but then get tired of it. I hurry to get finished and sometimes don't do my work well. Sometimes I don't pay attention to what I should be doing. When things get hard for me, sometimes I give up. As an adult, I sometimes put things off. I give up too easily, and sometimes don't do my work as well as I know I can. My Jesus, the heavy burden of my sins is on Thee, and bears Thee down beneath the cross. I loathe them, I detest them; I call on Thee to pardon them; may Thy grace aid me never more to commit them. Our Father.... Hail Mary.... Glory Be to the Father.... Leader: Jesus Christ Crucified. All: Have mercy on Us. Leader: May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, Rest in peace. All: Amen. |
イエス 聖母にあい給う |
4th Station :Jesus meets his mother |
先唱:ああキリストよ、主は尊き十字架をもって世をあがない給いしにより、 全員:われら主を礼拝し、主を讃美し奉る。 ああキリストよ、主は尊き十字架をもって世をあがない給いしにより、われら主を礼拝し、主を讃美し奉る。 聖母マリアは御子が死罪の宣告を受け給いしを聞き、急ぎ行給うほどに、途にてあい給えり。あわれ天使の御告げありし昔には似るべくもあらず、あけの血に染み目も当てられぬ主の御姿を見て深く悲しみ給えども是非なし。御子の御苦難に御みずからの悲しみを添えて、われらのために御父天主に献げ給う。 主イエス・キリスト、聖母マリアの御心を悲しませまいら せしは、一に罪人なるわれらなり。主は限りなく慈悲深くましませば、幸いにわれらの罪を赦し給え。また主と御母との御心を慰め奉るために、われらに力を尽さしめ給わんことを、ひたすら願い奉る。アーメン。 天にまします.... めでたし.... 願わくは.... 主われらをあわれみ給え。われらをあわれみ給え。 願わくは死せる信者の霊魂、天主の御あわれみによりて安らかに憩わんことを。アーメン。 先唱:ああ、聖母よ、 全員:十字架にくぎ付けにせられ給える御子の傷を、われらの心に深く印し給え。 |
Leader: We adore Thee, O Christ, and bless Thee. All: Because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world. Jesus, you feel so alone with all those people yelling and screaming at you. You don't like the words they are saying about you, and you look for a friendly face in the crowd. You see your mother. She can't make the hurting stop, but it helps to see that she is on your side, that she is suffering with you. She does understand and care. As a child, sometimes I feel like too many things are going on. Sometimes other kids pick on me and call me names. I need to look around me for a friendly face, and for the help I need. I need to share my troubles with those who truly care about me. As an adult I sometimes feel overwhelmed by many things. Life is so competitive, and I worry so much about my future and those who have some control over it. I need to remember that being an adult does not mean having to solve every problem all by myself. I need to look around me for a friendly face, for the help I need. Jesus most suffering, Mary Mother most sorrowful, if, by my sins, I caused you pain and anguish in the past, by God's assisting grace it shall be so no more; rather be you my love henceforth till death. Our Father.... Hail Mary.... Glory Be to the Father.... Leader: Jesus Christ Crucified. All: Have mercy on Us. Leader: May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, Rest in peace. All: Amen. |
第5留: |
5th Station: |
全員:われら主を礼拝し、主を讃美し奉る。 ああキリストよ、主は尊き十字架をもって世をあがない給いしにより、われら主を礼拝し、主を讃美し奉る。 主はかく歩み生きたもうほどに、御気力次第に衰えてすでに危うく見え給えり。されど来りて助けまいらする者もなく、かえってさまざまにののしちたたきたりければ、 今やはや堪え難くして沈み入り給わんとす。人々は折しもそこに来合わせたるクレネのシモンに、強いて十字架を助け担わせ、なおも主を駆りて歩ませ奉れり。 主イエス・キリスト、主の十字架を担いて、力弱り給いしは、これ全くわれらの罪の重きが故なり。われらこそシモンに代わりて十字架を担うべき者なれば、今より一切の苦難を、主の十字架の分としてわれらに 受けしめ給わんことを、ひたすら願い奉る。アーメン 天にまします.... めでたし.... 願わくは.... 主われらをあわれみ給え。われらをあわれみ給え。 願わくは死せる信者の霊魂、天主の御あわれみによりて安らかに憩わんことを。アーメン。 先唱:ああ、聖母よ、 全員:十字架にくぎ付けにせられ給える御子の傷を、われらの心に深く印し給え。 |
Leader: We adore Thee, O Christ, and bless Thee. All: Because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world. Jesus, the soldiers are becoming impatient. This is taking longer than they wanted it to. They are afraid you won't make it to the hill where you will be crucified. As you grow weaker, they grab a man out of the crowd and make him help carry your cross. He was just watching what was happening, but all of a sudden he is helping you carry your cross. As a child, sometimes I see people who need my help. Sometimes I pretend not to hear when my parents call me. I disappear when I know others could use my help. As an adult, sometimes I try to do as little as I can and still get by. Others might need my help, but I ignore their needs. Even when I'm asked to help, I sometimes claim to be too busy. My Jesus, blest, thrice blest was he who aided Thee to bear the cross. Blest too shall I be if I aid Thee to bear the cross, by patiently bowing my neck to the crosses Thou shalt send me during life. My Jesus, give me grace to do so. Our Father.... Hail Mary.... Glory Be to the Father.... Leader: Jesus Christ Crucified. All: Have mercy on Us. Leader: May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, Rest in peace. All: Amen. |
第6留: |
6th Station: |
全員:われら主を礼拝し、主を讃美し奉る。 ああキリストよ、主は尊き十字架をもって世をあがない給いしにより、われら主を礼拝し、主を讃美し奉る。 主はなお歩み行き給うほどに、御体も御顔もあけの血に染み給えども人々は少しもあわれまず、ますます荒立ち騒ぎたり。この時ヴェロニカという女群衆のうちより走り出で、主に 布を捧げければ、主は御みずから御顔を拭い、尊き御面影をその布に写して返し授け給えり。 主イエス・キリスト、われらの霊魂に聖寵を添え給え。十字架の苦難によりて、われらに御功徳を移し給え。われら弱き者なれども、ヴェロニカにならい、世のあざけりを顧みず、専ら主を崇め 奉るを得んことを、ひたすら願い奉る。 天にまします.... めでたし.... 願わくは.... 主われらをあわれみ給え。われらをあわれみ給え。 願わくは死せる信者の霊魂、天主の御あわれみによりて安らかに憩わんことを。アーメン。 先唱:ああ、聖母よ、 全員:十字架にくぎ付けにせられ給える御子の傷を、われらの心に深く印し給え。 |
Leader: We adore Thee, O Christ, and bless Thee. All: Because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world. Jesus, suddenly a woman comes out of the crowd. Her name is Veronica. You can see how she cares for you as she takes a cloth and begins to wipe the blood and sweat from your face. She can't do much, but she offers what little help she can. As a child, sometimes I know someone could use a little help and understanding. They may be picked on or teased by others, or just sad or lonely. Sometimes I feel bad that others don't step in to help, but I don't help either. As an adult, I notice the needs around me. Sometimes my own family members crave my attention, and I don't even seem to notice. Sometimes a co-worker, friend, or family member could use help or understanding, but I don't reach out to help lest I be criticized, or that they demand more of me than I'd like to give. My tender Jesus, Who didst deign to print Thy sacred face upon the cloth with which Veronica wiped the sweat from off Thy brow, print in my soul deep, I pray Thee, the lasting memory of Thy bitter pains. Our Father.... Hail Mary.... Glory Be to the Father.... Leader: Jesus Christ Crucified. All: Have mercy on Us. Leader: May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, Rest in peace. All: Amen. |
第7留: |
7th Station: |
全員:われら主を礼拝し、主を讃美し奉る。 ああキリストよ、主は尊き十字架をもって世をあがない給いしにより、われら主を礼拝し、主を讃美し奉る。 主の御力は血と共に減り、今は御足も進みかね、息たえだえにてうつぶせに倒れ給いぬ。 ユデア人らはあおもあわれまずして打ちたたき、棄て物の如く扱いつつ強いて歩ませ奉れり。 主イエス・キリスト、われら御血の跡を慕いて、深く愛し奉る。主の二度倒れ給いしは、われらの悲しむ時に当たり、頼もしき心を 失わせじとなり。天に昇る道は十字架の道にて、すなわち苦しみの道なれば、御苦難の功力により、われらをして、 雄々しき心をもって、歩ましめ給わんことを、ひたすら願い奉る。 天にまします.... めでたし.... 願わくは.... 主われらをあわれみ給え。われらをあわれみ給え。 願わくは死せる信者の霊魂、天主の御あわれみによりて安らかに憩わんことを。アーメン。 先唱:ああ、聖母よ、 全員:十字架にくぎ付けにせられ給える御子の傷を、われらの心に深く印し給え。 |
Leader: We adore Thee, O Christ, and bless Thee. All: Because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world. This is the second time you have fallen on the road. As the cross grows heavier and heavier it becomes more difficult to get up. But you continue to struggle and try until you're up and walking again. You don't give up. As a child, sometimes things get me down. Others seem to find things easier to do or to learn. Each time I fail, I find it harder to keep trying. As an adult, sometimes I think I should know more than I do. I become impatient with myself and find it hard to believe in myself when I fail. It is easy to despair over small things, and sometimes I do. Help me when things seem difficult for me. Even when it's hard, help me get up and keep trying as you did. Help me do my best without comparing myself with others. My Jesus, often have I sinned and often, by sin, beaten Thee to the ground beneath the cross. Help me to use the efficacious means of grace that I may never fall again. Our Father.... Hail Mary.... Glory Be to the Father.... Leader: Jesus Christ Crucified. All: Have mercy on Us. Leader: May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, Rest in peace. All: Amen. |
第8留: |
8th Station: |
全員:われら主を礼拝し、主を讃美し奉る。 ああキリストよ、主は尊き十字架をもって世をあがない給いしにより、われら主を礼拝し、主を讃美し奉る。 この時主の後よりあまたの人々慕い来り、なかにもエルサレムの婦人は涙にむせびて道すがら泣きければ、主はかれらを顧み、御苦しみを忘れ、慰めて宣わく「エルサレムの婦人よ、わがために泣くなかれ、なんじらとなんじらの子孫とのために悲しむべし。生木すらかくの如くなれば、まして枯木はいかにぞや」よ。 主イエス・キリスト、主は罪なくして苦しみを受け給えり。われら罪をもっ聖寵を失い、あたかも枯木の如くなれば、必ず地獄の火に燃やさるべき者なり。さればわれらに、 おのが罪と人々の罪とのために泣き、痛悔の涙を注がしめ給わんことを、ひたすら願い奉る。 天にまします.... めでたし.... 願わくは.... 主われらをあわれみ給え。われらをあわれみ給え。 願わくは死せる信者の霊魂、天主の御あわれみによりて安らかに憩わんことを。アーメン。 先唱:ああ、聖母よ、 全員:十字架にくぎ付けにせられ給える御子の傷を、われらの心に深く印し給え。 |
Leader: We adore Thee, O Christ, and bless Thee. All: Because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world. Jesus, as you carry your cross you see a group of women along the road. As you pass by you see they are sad. You stop to spend a moment with them, to offer them some encouragement. Although you are have been abandoned by your friends and are in pain, you stop and try to help them. As a child, sometimes I think a lot about myself. I think about what I want and would like people to spend their lives pleasing me. As an adult, sometimes I act like a child. I become so absorbed in myself and what I'd like that I forget about the needs of others. I take them for granted, and often ignore their needs. Help me think more about others. Help me remembers that others have problems, too. Help me respond to them even when I'm busy or preoccupied with my own problems. My Jesus, Who didst comfort the pious women of Jerusalem who wept to see Thee bruised and torn, comfort my soul with Thy tender pity, for in Thy pity lies my trust. May my heart ever answer Thine. Our Father.... Hail Mary.... Glory Be to the Father.... Leader: Jesus Christ Crucified. All: Have mercy on Us. Leader: May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, Rest in peace. All: Amen. |
第9留: |
9th Station: |
全員:われら主を礼拝し、主を讃美し奉る。 ああキリストよ、主は尊き十字架をもって世をあがない給いしにより、われら主を礼拝し、主を讃美し奉る。 主はカルワリオの上にいたりてまた倒れ給う。そは人々がかかる苦難を無益になさんことを思い給い、御心細きあまり、深く悲しみ給えばなり。されど主は いずこまでも人々を助けんとて苦難を耐え忍び給う。 主イエス・キリスト、主は何故に幾度も倒れた給いしぞ。これ全われら幾度も罪を犯し、たとい痛悔を起こすとも、また重ねて罪に陥るが故なり。 主は三度の後は倒れ給わず。さればわれらをして、主の御功力によりて、この後再び罪を犯さざらしめ給わんことを、ひたすら願い奉る。アーメン。 天にまします.... めでたし.... 願わくは.... 主われらをあわれみ給え。われらをあわれみ給え。 願わくは死せる信者の霊魂、天主の御あわれみによりて安らかに憩わんことを。アーメン。 先唱:ああ、聖母よ、 全員:十字架にくぎ付けにせられ給える御子の傷を、われらの心に深く印し給え。 |
Leader: We adore Thee, O Christ, and bless Thee. All: Because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world. Jesus, your journey has been long. You fall again, beneath your cross. You know your journey is coming to an end. You struggle and struggle. You get up and keep going. As a child, sometimes I fail time and time again. I find it hard to get along with my sisters and brothers, sometimes I'm not honest, sometimes I'm lazy. I'm tempted to stop trying. It's just too hard sometimes. As an adult, I often feel I should have conquered my weaknesses by now. I become discouraged when I'm confronted by the same problems over and over again. Sometimes I get weary. When I have health problems, I can become discouraged and depressed. Help me think of the cross you carried. Help me continue to hope that I can make the changes in my life I need to. You didn't give up. I can have the strength to get up again as well. My Jesus, by all the bitter woes Thou didst endure when for the third time the heavy cross bowed Thee to the earth, never, I beseech Thee, let me fall again into sin. Ah, my Jesus, rather let me die than ever offend Thee again. Our Father.... Hail Mary.... Glory Be to the Father.... Leader: Jesus Christ Crucified. All: Have mercy on Us. Leader: May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, Rest in peace. All: Amen. |
第10留: |
10th Station: |
全員:われら主を礼拝し、主を讃美し奉る。 ああキリストよ、主は尊き十字架をもって世をあがない給いしにより、われら主を礼拝し、主を讃美し奉る。 ユデア人らはカルワリオにおいて主の御衣をはぎまいらせたり。 その時御衣は御傷に付着して痛さに堪え給うべくもあらず。 御頭のいばらの冠もさわりなりちて取り除けしを、またもとの如く押しかむらせまいらせたり。 そはいと苦しきことなれども、群衆の前にはだをさらさせ給いしは、 なおこれにまさりて苦しげに見えさせ給う。主イエス・キリスト、御心に適わざることわれらにあらざらば、 御衣の如く脱がしめ給え。わけても高慢、じゃいん、どんよくなどの悪しき心を除き、聖寵の衣を着せ給わんことを、 ひたすら願い奉る。アーメン。 天にまします.... めでたし.... 願わくは.... 主われらをあわれみ給え。われらをあわれみ給え。 願わくは死せる信者の霊魂、天主の御あわれみによりて安らかに憩わんことを。アーメン。 先唱:ああ、聖母よ、 全員:十字架にくぎ付けにせられ給える御子の傷を、われらの心に深く印し給え。 |
Leader: We adore Thee, O Christ, and bless Thee. All: Because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world. The soldiers notice you have something of value. They remove your cloak and throw dice for it. Your wounds are torn open once again. Some of the people in the crowd make fun of you. They tease you and challenge you to perform a miracle for them to see. They're not aware that you'll perform the greatest miracle of all! As a child, sometimes I'm tempted to repeat stories I know are unclean and disrespectful. I sometimes try to act grown up by using crude and bad words. As an adult, sometimes I repeat stories that are disrespectful of others. I can entertain thoughts that are not clean. Sometimes I give the young people around me a bad example to follow. Help me to keep myself pure and clean. Help me say things that build up the people around me. Help me overcome worldly desires that I may become more like Jesus. Help me set a good example for others to follow. My Jesus, stripped of Thy garments and drenched with gall, strip me of love for things of earth, and make me loathe all that savors of the world and sin. Our Father.... Hail Mary.... Glory Be to the Father.... Leader: Jesus Christ Crucified. All: Have mercy on Us. Leader: May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, Rest in peace. All: Amen. |
第11留: |
11th Station: |
全員:われら主を礼拝し、主を讃美し奉る。 ああキリストよ、主は尊き十字架をもって世をあがない給いしにより、われら主を礼拝し、主を讃美し奉る。 主はすでにくぎ付けにせられんと十字架の上に倒れ、御みずから御手足を延し給いたるを、ユデア人らは荒々しくその御手足にくぎを押しあて、かなづちにて打ち付けたり。この時主の御苦しみはいかばかりなりしぞ。御肉は破れ、御血は流れて御力尽き、なお御渇きは耐え給うべくもあらず。さるをユデア人らは少しも心せず、十字架を押し立て、根下を突き固めて立ち去りけり。聖母は始終これを見て涙にむせび、十字架のもとに留まり給う。 主イエス・キリスト、主はわれらのために、十字架にくぎ付けにせられ給えり。さればわれらもまた、主と共に十字架に付けられんことを望む。たといいかなる苦しみに遭うとも、主を離れざるよう御恵みをくだし給わんことを、ひたすら願い奉る。アーメン。 天にまします.... めでたし.... 願わくは.... 主われらをあわれみ給え。われらをあわれみ給え。 願わくは死せる信者の霊魂、天主の御あわれみによりて安らかに憩わんことを。アーメン。 先唱:ああ、聖母よ、 全員:十字架にくぎ付けにせられ給える御子の傷を、われらの心に深く印し給え。 |
Leader: We adore Thee, O Christ, and bless Thee. All: Because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world. You are stretched out on the cross you have carried so far. The soldiers take big nails and drive them into your hands and feet. You feel abandoned by the people you loved so much. People seem to have gone mad. You have done nothing but good, yet they drive nails through your hands and feet. As a child, sometimes I hurt others. Sometimes I join with friends and decide not to like another. We gang up against another and cause them hurt and pain. Sometimes I say or do hurtful things to my brothers and sisters. I can wonder what they'd think about themselves if they believed everything I told them about themselves. As and adult, sometimes I discriminate against others. Even without thinking, I judge others because of their color, intelligence, income level or name. I forget that I am to live as a brother or sister to all people. Sometimes I use harsh words when I speak to my children and family members. I can find it easy to look for something that isn't very important and make it very important. Help me look again at the people around me. Help me see the hurt and pain I have caused in others. Be with me to help me make amends for the harm I have done. My Jesus, by Thine agony when the cruel nails pierced Thy tender hands and feet and fixed them to the cross, make me crucify my flesh by Christian penance. Our Father.... Hail Mary.... Glory Be to the Father.... Leader: Jesus Christ Crucified. All: Have mercy on Us. Leader: May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, Rest in peace. All: Amen. |
第12留: |
12th Station: |
全員:われら主を礼拝し、主を讃美し奉る。 ああキリストよ、主は尊き十字架をもって世をあがない給いしにより、われら主を礼拝し、主を讃美し奉る。 主は二人の盗賊の間に挙げられ給いしが、人々のために御父天守に向かいた『かれらはそのなす所を知らざるによりて赦し給え』と宣えり。一人の盗賊はこれを聞きて『願わくは御国にいたらん時われを思い給え』と申したりければ、主は『今日なんじ、われと共に楽園にあらん』と宣えり。また十字架のもとに聖母及び御弟子の立てるを見給いて、御母に向かい『女よ、御身の子ここにあり』と、また聖ヨハネに向かいては、『なんじの母ここにあり』と、宣い、やがて『事終わりぬ』と宣いて、息終えさせ給えり。その時、日はなお高かりしが、世界にわかに夜の如く暗くなりぬ。 主イエス・キリスト、主の死し給える時に当り、地は震い、日は暗み、墓は開け、死人はよみがえり、岩は裂く。われらこれを思いて心に感ずる所なくんば、きわめてかたくななる者なり。これによりて、今よりわれら再び罪を犯さず、主と共に、この世に死するを得しめ給わんことを、ひたすら願い奉る。アーメン。 天にまします.... めでたし.... 願わくは.... 主われらをあわれみ給え。われらをあわれみ給え。 願わくは死せる信者の霊魂、天主の御あわれみによりて安らかに憩わんことを。アーメン。 先唱:ああ、聖母よ、 全員:十字架にくぎ付けにせられ給える御子の傷を、われらの心に深く印し給え。 |
Leader: We adore Thee, O Christ, and bless Thee. All: Because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world. As Jesus hung on the cross, he forgave the soldiers who had crucified him, and prayed for his mother and friends. Jesus wanted all of us to be able to live forever with God, so he gave all he had for us. Jesus, let me take a few moments now to consider your love for me. Help me thank you for your willingness to go to your death for me. Help me express my love for you! My Jesus, three hours didst Thou hang in agony, and then die for me; let me die before I sin, and if I live, live for Thy love and faithful service. Our Father.... Hail Mary.... Glory Be to the Father.... Leader: Jesus Christ Crucified. All: Have mercy on Us. Leader: May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, Rest in peace. All: Amen. |
第13留: |
13th Station: |
全員:われら主を礼拝し、主を讃美し奉る。 ああキリストよ、主は尊き十字架をもって世をあがない給いしにより、われら主を礼拝し、主を讃美し奉る。 主はすでに息絶えさせ給いしかば、御体は十字架よりおろされ給えり。聖母マリアは御なきがらを抱き給い、その御色ざし、御顔、御手足、および御側脇腹の傷を見て、絶えいるばかり嘆き給う。 主イエス・キリスト、かくも聖母を嘆かせまつりしは、すなわちわれらなり。ああ罪人なるわれら、いまさらに悔み悲しみ奉る。聖母はわれらのためにいつも母たり給えば、われらはいつも子となりて、忠実を尽すを得しめ給わんことを、ひたすら願い奉る。アーメン。 天にまします.... めでたし.... 願わくは.... 主われらをあわれみ給え。われらをあわれみ給え。 願わくは死せる信者の霊魂、天主の御あわれみによりて安らかに憩わんことを。アーメン。 先唱:ああ、聖母よ、 全員:十字架にくぎ付けにせられ給える御子の傷を、われらの心に深く印し給え。 |
Leader: We adore Thee, O Christ, and bless Thee. All: Because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world. Jesus, how brutally you were put to death. How gently your are taken from the cross. Your suffering and pain are ended, and you are put in the lap of your mother. The dirt and blood are wiped away. You are treated with love. As a child, sometimes I treat others better when they're sad or in pain. When somebody dies, I become very gentle and kind. I notice the good and kind things people say about those who have died. As an adult, I seem to be kinder when someone dies. If only I could learn to see the good things about them while they were alive. If only I would tell those around me how much I love them, while I still have the opportunity to do so. Help me look for the good in those around me, especially those I love the most. Help me live this day as if it were the last. Help me become a more gentle and loving person through my greater appreciation for those around me. O Mary, Mother most sorrowful, the sword of grief pierced thy soul when thou didst see Jesus lying lifeless on thy bosom; obtain for me hatred of sin because sin slew thy Son and wounded thine own heart, and grace to live a Christian life and save my soul. Our Father.... Hail Mary.... Glory Be to the Father.... Leader: Jesus Christ Crucified. All: Have mercy on Us. Leader: May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, Rest in peace. All: Amen. |
第14留: |
14th Station: |
全員:われら主を礼拝し、主を讃美し奉る。 ああキリストよ、主は尊き十字架をもって世をあがない給いしにより、われら主を礼拝し、主を讃美し奉る。 時にニコデモとヨゼフとはピラトの許しを得て、主の御体を葬らんと御母よりこれを受け、清らかなる布にて包み、新しき墓に葬り奉れり。 主イエス・キリスト、われらの罪を御墓に隠し給え。われら心のうちに、主を受け奉り、今よりこの世の楽しみに死し、天国において、主を讃美するを得しめ給わんことを、ひたすら願い奉る。アーメン。 天にまします.... めでたし.... 願わくは.... 主われらをあわれみ給え。われらをあわれみ給え。 願わくは死せる信者の霊魂、天主の御あわれみによりて安らかに憩わんことを。アーメン。 先唱:ああ、聖母よ、 全員:十字架にくぎ付けにせられ給える御子の傷を、われらの心に深く印し給え。 |
Leader: We adore Thee, O Christ, and bless Thee. All: Because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world. Jesus, your body is prepared for burial. Joseph gave you his own tomb. He laid your body there and rolled a large stone in front of it, then went home. What a sad day it has been for so many people. As a child, sometimes I try to keep everything for myself. I find it hard to share my things with my brothers or sisters and with my friends. As an adult, I can be selfish too. I can accumulate things and keep them for myself. I try to make sure I have what I want before I share what I have with anybody else. Help me think of Joseph of Arimathea, who risked his own life as he accepted Jesus' body for burial. Help me think of how Joseph loved Jesus so much that he gave him his own tomb. My Jesus, beside Thy body in the tomb I, too, would lie dead; but if I live, let it be for Thee, so as one day to enjoy with Thee in heaven the fruits of Thy passion and Thy bitter death. Our Father.... Hail Mary.... Glory Be to the Father.... Leader: Jesus Christ Crucified. All: Have mercy on Us. Leader: May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, Rest in peace. All: Amen. |